Today I gained a new appreciation of the concept of Resurrection. I opened what I thought was a devotional e-mail about Easter, and was shocked to hear of the death of a dear friend of mine.

As I prayed with my future father-in-law and my fiancee, I recognized that it is in the Resurrection that death looses its power, its sting. Jack was a beautiful person who suffered from several food allergies. I worked with him at the help desk at my seminary and anytime we would have food we would need to order special food for Jack.

Something my fiancee said to me really struck home on this. She said:

Jack is in a place where he doesn’t feel anymore pain, and doesn’t have any allergies. Just think of all the food Jack is eating right now that he could never have eaten here. We’ll see him again, and we’ll feast with him in the Resurrection.
I cannot even explain how much I will miss Jack, and right now I’m not even sure how deep this pain runs. But I have faith, as Mary and Martha did, that I will see him again in the Resurrection.

We’ll all miss you Jack, we know you are playing a jamming lick on a celestial Electric Guitar right now, and Jesus is smiling as he is glorified by your skill.

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